Abbey Presbyterian Church is known locally as the white Church on the corner, or the Church with the moving wall (if you don’t know what that is, you’ll have to see it for yourself!).
Abbey seeks to be an open Church –
open to God through worship, teaching and prayer;
open to each other in fellowship and care;
open to our community and world by being welcoming,
showing practical concern and sharing the Gospel;
open to new things so we can be such a Church
We desire to be a “Church without walls” – which is easy to come into: where there are no barriers to people of all ages and backgrounds being welcomed and becoming involved, and hearing about the Good news of Jesus we have to share; and which is also easy to go out from: to make a difference in the community we are right in the heart of in Monkstown. You will be very welcome at a Sunday service or any of our activities, and you can come just as you are.
What's On
What's On at Abbey Presbyterian Church - other events as announcedWhat's On
Other activities and events will be announced
What's on for Adults at Abbey Presbyterian ChurchProgrammes
We have many programmes available
Children / Young People
What's on for Children / Young People at Abbey Presbyterian ChurchProgrammes
We have many programmes available
What's on for the Community at Abbey Presbyterian ChurchProgrammes
We have many programmes available

We meet for worship each Sunday at 11 am and 6.30pm (as announced).
We are fairly informal and there is no dress code; there are people of all ages; and different musical styles are incorporated.
In the morning we have time altogether, and then children leave for Sunday school and bible class. We also have creche.
Our services blend contemporary and traditional worship. Special services include family services, communion, enrolments, Easter, Harvest and Christmas. Refreshments are served after all services.
Evening services, courses and groups as announced.
If you would like the prayer support of the prayer team for yourself or someone please send a message (or phone) to 07401 655 059
If this is not possible a note can be left in the prayer request box in the foyer. Your request will be treated in complete confidence.
“For my house shall be called a house of prayer for all peoples” Isaiah 56:7